The top 10 ways to be more eco

1. Save energy


Switching off electrical items when you’re not using them, turning off the lights in rooms that you aren’t in, and turning down your heating are all simple ways to reduce your energy consumption at home.

Not only will the Earth thank you for this, but it is a great way to save some money too!

2. Buy second-hand or borrow


Becoming more mindful of the items you are purchasing is a simple way to become eco-conscious. Too often, we end up buying things that we use once or that we don’t really need. Why not trying borrowing a dress from a friend for a special occasion? Or instead of buying a new chair, how about popping into a local charity shop and seeing what chic bargain you can find! Second-hand goods always have more character!

3. Reuse, upcycle and recycle


Instead of throwing away that old milk bottle, how about turning it into a plant pot, such as the ones featured above? They do the job, cost nothing, you can add your own design with a lick of paint and prevent it from going into landfill.

Upcycling is easy and fun allowing you to use your creativity to make something of your own! There are so many things that we throw away that can be turned into something useful with a little imagination.

Repairing things is also always a better choice than throwing items away. We can feel despondent when things break and the simplest option would be to throw it away and buy a new one. But…repairing things can be easier than you think, just a few clicks on the internet and you’ve found a step-by-step video telling you what you need to do! Hey, you might just learn something!

Lastly, anything that you can’t reuse, always try to recycle. If you are out about and there are no recycling bins, then take your rubbish home with you and recycle there.

4. Avoid plastic 


Trying to say ‘no’ to plastic has become a challenge in a world where it is EVERYWHERE.

However, fear not, a few simple steps that you can take to avoid plastic are buying loose food when you can such as fruit and veg, carrying a canvas bag with you for your shopping and avoiding plastic bottles, opting for a reusable bottle instead.

With a few changes, you’ll be well on your way to leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

5. Reduce your meat consumption


The meat industry is one of the top contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.

Cutting down on the amount of meat that you consume is the single best way to help the planet.

Even not having meat for one day, such as ‘Meat-Free Mondays’ can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

If giving up meat is just a little too far for you, then don’t worry, just source your meat locally from British farms that have to follow high-quality standards.

By purchasing from these local, UK farmers, you support the agricultural industry and reduce your carbon footprint by sourcing local, quality meat!

6. Use eco-friendly cleaning products 


Most conventional cleaning products contain many harsh chemicals that aren’t good for us or the planet. Many of these chemicals damage the ecosystem and negatively impact biodiversity.

Not only are “green” cleaning products non-toxic, but they also come in sustainable packaging that is biodegradable.

Plus, if you’re feeling extra adventurous, why not trying making your very own homemade cleaners with some simple kitchen cupboard items!

7. Shop locally 


Changing your consumer habits to purchasing locally sourced food and products is a simple way to reduce your environmental impact.

We often don’t take the time to think about where the things we buy come from and too often goods are being imported from across the globe, meaning a colossal environmental impact.

Trying to shop in your local area, such as farmers markets and local clothing retailers means that you are reducing your carbon footprint and supporting your local economy too!

8. Save water

According to the drainage company ‘Maintain Drains’, the UK wastes more than 3 billion litres of clean drinking water EVERY SINGLE DAY. 

A few changes to your lifestyle can help to prevent this vital resource from being wasted. 


Some steps that you can take to save water include:

  • Switching off the tap when brushing your teeth

  • Fixing any leaks that you might have

  • Taking shorter showers (those extra few minutes all add up!)

  • Reusing water when you can

  • Installing a water-saving toilet flush system- as flushing the toilet is one of the most wasteful activities. Conventional toilets use around 7.5 litres of water per flush!

9. Don’t waste food


Key findings from the UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021 found that a gut-wrenching 931 million tonnes of food is wasted by households and food providers every year!

Apart from the extreme wastefulness, this food that ends up in landfill also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

To prevent food waste; only buy what you need, store food correctly, save leftovers and if you have food going spare try giving it to a neighbour or a friend rather than tossing it in the bin.

10. Educate yourself 


We all lead busy lives, but catching up on the latest environmental news and learning about environmentalism will help you to develop a more eco-friendly lifestyle. 



Hello and welcome to Sweet Bamboo’s new blog! 

The blog will be covering all things eco - from the latest environmental research, to tips on being more sustainable. 

The environment is at the heart of Sweet Bamboo and we uphold an ethos that focuses on sustainability. It is up to us humans, as businesses and as individuals, to nurture the natural world, provide inclusive spaces to discuss environmental issues, and increase awareness of the fragility of planet Earth.

This blog hopes to keep you up to date on the environmental issues we are facing and look at ways we can all make positive change. 

Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to work together and protect the future of our planet. 

We hope you enjoy our new blog and feel free to get involved and share your thoughts and ideas about the environment and sustainability on our social media channels!